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May 23, 2012


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from Kevin McMohan’s fabulous and amazing blog post on Pound (which reminds me of deBotton’s How Proust Can Change Your Life

In a 1927 letter to his father, Pound described the three elements of The Cantos as

Live man goes down into world of Dead.

The ‘repeat in history’

The ‘magic moment’ or moment of metamorphosis bust thru from quotidian into ‘divine or permanent world.’

Is this not the heroes journey?

McMohan continues:

Which is to say, the creative apprehension of the past is undertaken not for the sake of scholarship, but to discover the repetitions in history, the rhyme of events, plus the revelation of the world. The action of The Cantos is remembrance and divination.

Love the blog post on Pound, dear Peony! But sometimes poetry can be a very dangerous and harmful thing (at least initially) - perhaps the more visionary these poems are, the more hurtful they can be... It somehow reminds me of what Ramana Maharshi once said (about truth, life, about everything), "Have courage (in all that you do, all that you are)." Is it not the most difficult thing, though...? Our Blue Carpet Prince said to me the other day, 'You internalise a lot. There are things which mean everything to you, that mean nothing to others. But never change the way you are. Because it is all this that makes you who you are, and what you are.'

The photo story of Hagoromo is so beautiful. Really hope one day I can see this noh play in Japan (and I seem to remember a similar story of 羽衣 in Chinese mythology)... all the meditative, stylistic details which make the play a refined dream. A hypnotised land I would love to be in...

Lovely post! I just love the part about part dream journey and part time travel. Please don't be angry if I borrow that sometime!

I also love the Japan-Indonesia mix of the Hagoromo-Gamelan performance!



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