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December 10, 2011


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Lovely and inspiring, as always.

"The providence of this work sounds sketchy, . . . "

would more successfully read:

"The provenance of this work sounds sketchy,. . . ."

. . . . and "getty" should be capitalized.

And the Salvatore DOES remind one of the Mona Lisa!

Thanks so much, Chris! I also realized I never transferred all the comments from facebook here--which is too bad since now I am unable to find them. Mostly friends in Europe mentioning being very excited about the exhibition. There was also a big Richter retrospective on at the same time and I sure wish I had had wings!! So many Rembrandts to see in Southern California but not one Leonardo! Isn't it uncanny about the way the Christ calls to mind the Mona Lisa? In the book American Leonardo, if you haven't already read it, there is some interesting about how this kind of human "sensibility" (a type of virtuosity) is essential to art connoisseurship.

Congratulation Leanne: I'm so glad that now more people will find out just how talented, intelligent and generous you are...my dear friend!

Just bounced over from 3quarksdaily as soon as I read you were recognized with a well-deserved award! Congratulations to you for a blog which is truly remarkable and a personal favorite.

Chris, thank you so much!! Really happy to hear from you. By any chance are you friends with Shin Sasakubo? If so, we shoul become facebook friends too :)

I'm just his facebook friend. Fan, really.

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