Translating poetry again with Jan Wallsand Tullio DeSantis. This time, three micro poems by Yi Fan--first by me (牡丹訳), followed by Jan's version (王訳). Tullio's ink drawing above, "Everything from Nothing," 1985.
青铜器 伊凡
远古的你 独领风骚
如今的你 演绎历史
"Chinese Bronzes" by Yi Fan (牡丹訳)
In great antiquity, you were the height of cultural excellence
Today, you decipher history
Bronze Ware" by Yi Fan (王訳)
You were the sole leader of excellence in high antiquity.
Today, you are deductive history
冬雨" 伊凡
"Rain in Winter" by Yi Fan (牡丹訳)
Magically solidifying into epigrams
Emotions scattering, melting
Into the burning heat of a love poem
"Rain in Winter" (王訳)
Congealed epigrams
fluttering tender feelings
dissolve into piping hot romantic lines of poetry"
历史" 伊凡
History byYi Fan (牡丹訳)
Stories that flow downstream
Over time fementing
...In the sediment
History" by Yi Fan (王訳)
Elapsed legends,
sediment in the endless stream of time,
For more micro-poems see
Bitter Herbs (苦)
The Wind Whispers (立秋)
Translating Blue Green (汝窯 青磁)
Translating Poems with Jan Walls and Tullio DeSantis
A wonderful interview with Li Huayi(and Arnold Chang)
And don't forget to see The Quiet American and the Blackened Canteen!
Cui Jian below:
I love your Rain in Winter, Yi Fan:-) It's very beautiful. Thank you.
"Rain in Winter" by Yi Fan (牡丹訳)
Magically solidifying into epigrams
Emotions scattering, melting
Into the burning heat of a love poem
Posted by: Ruth Vilmi | September 24, 2010 at 01:20 PM
My favorite of yours above is "History."
Here's a thought. It would be nice to see the literal meaning of the originals as well...
Posted by: Adarnay | October 05, 2010 at 05:58 AM