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May 06, 2010


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Once more, fabulous! The high levitates, even if it's made of bronze. The coarse cannot comprehend the subtle. Yet, inside us, they coexist in a strange harmony, and as the subtle increases, it lifts the coarse. Thus the traditions of Asia better conform to that which I feel inside me. The museum, alas, is a kind of graveyard. As a young husband I once bought a black-copper Japanese lamp at what was then, for me, an outrageous price, but something told me that this object, in our living room, would transform it. And it did. And it's still there. And I never see it without feeling/hearing a strange inner resonance. Thanks for this. It's made of electronic signals but has the weight of a precious object and echoes like a brazen gong...

If only we could handle our human relationships with such delicacy...

...rather than our usual hamfisted approach, love dying on the beach with hairdye running down its face.

Facebook conversation:

Somewhat tangential, perhaps, but interesting nonetheless, as I was JUST talking about bronze technology and its alluring effect on women THIS MORNING in class.

The gyst is as so: ALL you need to know about the Yayoi-fication of prehistoric Japan (and about scoring with indigenous babes in general) is contained in this single kernel of wisdom:

"He who has the wet rice technology and metallurgy gets the babes"

I like B-san's quote

And I like you for liking it! ;-)

Hey B-san, is it possible this is one of the most brilliant things you ever said? I think it's true that metallurgy will be highly attractive to a woman. Don't forget who captured the heart of Aphrodite.

I thought Aphrodite was sent to Hephaestus with some protest from her; she was certainly not as enamored of him as much as with Ares. Love and war..

M-san, I am starting to think Dreyfus puts a Heideggerean spin on everything. I was re-listening to his lecture on the Odyssey--which was fabulous-- but he went on at great length about how the ancient Greeks appreciated fine craftsmanshio (you know in Homer how there is some detail to how things are made-- to finely made wooden furniture or door sils) and dreyfus was trying to connect this to the reason to explain that marriage with Hephaestus. In our terms, his craftmaship would be an expression of his "sexy 徳" But maybe you're right and is a stretch? In one sense,in terms of the allure of sexual power of 徳 I do think dreyfus was on to something when he always asked, "who were like the movie stars of their day?" That is why called Lady Li like a movie star, since in that cultural contect, her art collecting practice (as asethethic-ethical) was extremely alluring. I hope you get a chance to read the article by OConner, if you download, could you send me a copy? I have a hardcopy but it is unliberated back in japan.

Peony's Wall is without a doubt one of the more interesting and informative feeds shows up on FB. One hell of a lot better than Farmville!!!

I met this artist at a sculpture gallery in Boston a couple of years ago. Poke around for her bronze pear. I could find a direct link but then you would not have the fun of finding it yourself. Your post brought a tear and a sigh.

Both in Africa and the Norse world blacksmiths were thought to have supernatural powers. Not necessarily in a good way. During the earliest days metal things were weapons, jewelry, ritual vessels, etc. Axes, hoes, and shovels too, but they were later in the queue. In Anglo Saxon the same word is used for fine weapons and for ornamental items such as rings, and weapons were

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