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September 19, 2009


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Nice note from Beijing in which he mentioned

Regarding Zizek's quote, I guess the "Western" idea that there is an "essence" behind our "superficial" roles owes a lot to Platonic/Christian dualism that is largely absent from Buddhist and Confucian thought

This is probably accurate, I think.... Sometimes have been made to feel that I am in some kind of Danielle Steel novel-- as if I only could throw off my many masks I could get to the essence of my true self. And then I come to my senses-- and try and enjoy the view from the glacier instead.

It was brought to my attention that I neglected to link to the Zizek interview, here it is

Relating to this idea of a mask...was dragged to a traditional 'budo' dance (spelling?), a ritualistic performance born of pain and suffering. Its slow measured steps and silence forced the mind to feel and 'see' pain....in a still way that is almost never promoted or revealed in the west - certainly not admitted to. It was as if by the very stillness and control one was obligated to partake and witness in an emotion so profound that it needed that very calmness to take it in. We are losing rituals and perhaps more crucially losing the ability to take time to partake in them.

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