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March 12, 2009


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You all probably already noticed this but just in case, I thought I would point you to Victor Mair's latest Post on Wuwei: Do Nothing at language log.

The comments about the Indian notions of wuwei were interesting I thought....

And: Haruki Murakami: the Novelist in Wartime

I love your post. And I couldn't agree with you more. Loving life, like any relationship, requires work. We have our up and down times. But, as you've mentioned so many times, "one must cultivate his garden".

In my opinion, the beauty of the world is easily found. And just as easily missed depending on what paradigm we find ourselves in and which viewpoints we take on. Sometimes, I have to remember the things I've seen and done before just so I don't lose track of how the world is outside my daily sphere.

In the end, we find the beauty, we find the paths, we cultivate the gardens.

I know that you have a talent for seeing the beauty that others pass by on a daily basis. And I'm sure you'll make it your own.

But really, one can't just be floating around on a boat with a Chinese Emperor forever, now can one? Much like I was once told that one can't really live a life in Bali - and that I would have to leave. One has to actively participate in their world and life. How true that was....

First of all, there is no need to choose between roses or peonies; one can plant both. I have, as I'm sure you might have guessed, a lot of thoughts on gardening & life but it's too late here to get started & I am still recuperating so there will be more later.

Old roses (before 1900) have the most wonderful & evocative names. One of my favorites is "Cuisse de Nymphe", which occasionally sports an offspring of a deeper pink that is known as "Cuisse de Nymphe émue". I've never grown it myself but here is what it looks like…


Have you read anything by Michael Pollan? I think you would enjoy him.

Plant the peonies, don't tell poor Prince Pirooz and rest assured that the mountains will at least have a good view of the flowers. About that man looking at the roses...he was looking at the space where you were going to plant the peonies.

As long as the mountains can see being all that really matters! Guess what, I was just printing out this article you wrote The Tea Horse Road so that the Kid and I could look at the pictures cuddled up in our futon tonite. It will go as usual: me saying: "Mommy wants to run away with you into the mountains" Growing very serious he will look intently at the picture you took of that sliver of a path cut into the mountain in Yunnan and will tell me in no un-certain terms: "No, there is not enough air up there for a little boy."

Little boys learn to breath differently and I think he will follow his mom anywhere. No? Mountains are the master 'waiters' and they teach patience like nothing else.

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